Welcome to Presen@t Community!

    Presen@t is a content-centered social network that provides an experience modeled after real life, in which we can meet people in places like the supermarket or the park and strike up a conversation based on common interests. In these moments, we are "present" - both in time and space, and in the sense that we are fully engaged.

    With a Browser Extention, Users Can:
    • Collect bookmarks and share with the community.
    • Leave comments wherever you go on the web.
    • Participate in real-time conversations with other visitors of the same webpage.
    • Connect with other users through secure, direct messaging. (Feature coming soon)

    Through these features, we hope to create a casual space for people to connect over shared interests, and have genuine conversations in which people are truly "present" in all senses of the word!

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